Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ugh, why so many ages?

I was reading Justice the other day, and I must say Alex Ross is AMAZING!!!!, but I love the parts with Hawkgirl and Hawkman, they were so cute and then I read some old Justice League of America and it had a scene with Hawkgirl (Kendra) and Red Arrow and I didn't really like it... at all -_- so now I'm like obsessed with Hawkgirl and Hawkman (see! I told you it would happen...) and there isn't really any Justice League Unlimited episodes I can watch because for some reason in that series they decided to make her fall in love with Green Lantern (John Stewart) *shutters* Im sorry to all you GL/HG fans out there but SHE BELONGS WITH KATAR (or Carter, how ever you chose to spell it)!!!!! and thats final! and unfortunately almost all the fanfiction is about them to so I guess my only option is to hunt down some good comics! so anyways, now that I've collected 95% of the Mister Miracle series, I think I'm going to start hunting down any issues of Hawkman I can find, or Hawkworld cuz that series looks good too =P So the whole point of this post was to say that I MUCH prefer Golden Age Hawkgirl to Kendra (even though she is just a reincarnation of the original Hawkgirl, but thinking about all that just makes my brain hurt so...) ya, and by the way, why are there so many ages? what happens when they make more? they already used Golden, Silver, and Bronze... whats next... plastic? (I bet Plastic Man would like that ;P)

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