Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mister Miracle!!!

So, I'm just sitting around reading some old Mister Miracle! He and Big Barda are just such a cute <3 I love them!!! anyways, I was thinking of the third Mister Miracle series. I haven't read it yet, but I REALLY want to! Apparently in issue 4 and 5 Scott and Barda break up for a little while, and I was thinking about how to someone who doesn't read comics everyday like I do then to two issues isn't that bad because its just a short time, but if you know about comics and how they come out monthly and you have to wait about 30 days to get the next issue then two issues is quite a long time! I mean its hell for me just to wait for the next Zatanna issue to come out. Thats why I like to read the older series, if I own all the issues then there's no wait!!! =D

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