Thursday, March 31, 2011

Action Comics... o.O

So, today my friends were making fun of my Mister Miracle comics again and making inappropriate jokes so I told them about Action Comics 592-593 were Superman and Big Barda make a porno... o.O I know right, there are some things in this world that you can't UNSEE!!! so anyways they have this think about making jokes about me and my "erotic" comic books... WHICH IS TOTALLY UNTRUE!!! although a lot of comics tend to have sexual references or innuendos its not any worse than the tv shows (Justice League Unlimited was JUST as bad!!!) there not meant to be inappropriate and most of the time if they are its because the reader has taken it out of context or and a mind so far deep in the gutter that not even a boom-tube could get them out! and remember, all these comics go through censors before being released to the public!

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